Franc Vila: A Story Worth Continuing Entrepreneur Jihad Bakkoura
It didn’t stop there. Due to Jihad’s deep passion for working in the luxury watch market, he sold a villa he owned in order to purchase four watches from the Swiss made watch brand Franc Vila. Then he continued his exciting journey in the Swiss luxury watch market, eventually succeeding in acquiring agencies for nearly 25 Swiss brands through his own company.
In 2017, the Franc Vila brand and all its components were personally transferred to the Jihad Bakkoura and became part of the Bakkoura dynasty.The owner of the brand Franc Vila did not see any other candidate all over the world who could bring the brand to a new level of fame.The acquisition of Franc Vila was not just a business deal; it was a significant responsibility to add value to the company and ensure its continued success.
Franc Vila, a Swiss made luxury watch manufacturer, is considered one of the top 10 recognizable luxury watch brands in the world. Today, Jihad has infused it with his personal touch and extensive experience, relaunching the brand and expanding its global presence. In addition, he has founded his own Swiss made watch brand, BAKKOURA.
Jihad Bakkoura is an entrepreneur and watch innovator, born in the East and having spent most of his life in the West, which enabled him to blend the best of both cultures. He has dedicated more than 20 years to the world of watches, the philosophy of time, and its impact on human life. His journey began as a customer who purchased a luxury watch, then became a watch distributor, and finally established his own luxury Swiss watch brand, Bakkoura.
Jihad says that he is not just a businessman, but someone deeply interested in time, its dimensions, and all its aspects. He added, “Time is given to humans before the soul.” Jihad designs these rare and valuable masterpieces with precise craftsmanship and infuses them with spirit, allowing them to connect with their owner.
He also launched a new revolution by proposing a redivision of time into 30 “hours” a day instead of 24, by dividing each hour into 48 parts instead of 60. This new system aligns with the significant global developments of the last decade and offers a solution to the challenges that have begun to spread in modern societies.
Jihad Bakkoura says, “The creative and bold ideas I possess have been highly attractive to the media and press, which has significantly increased their spread across both Western and Eastern media.”
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